选自一个韩国indie/dream pop团体Sogyumo Acacia Band 05年的同名专辑韩国的Sogyumo Acacia Band 乐队,主唱的声音相當有磁性,音樂配的很輕柔清脆,相映成趣。
听着这首曲子,空气里音符划着忧伤的弧线四散开来。让我想起了Bon Jovi的《never say goodbye》,歇斯底里的呐喊。而这首歌,却少了许多华丽的外面,只有一把吉他伴奏,只有一个清晰明澈的声音在唱。有时候音乐会令我们沉浸在回忆里,听这首歌,回忆被镀上了一层金黄,明亮却模糊在远方。再见,是多么忧伤。
So Goodbye
I think I should have told you that I'm still yours
so goodbye my love
So Goodbye.
I here the birds singing It's time to go
so Goodbye my friends
I thought, You would do but I was wrong
Now, I see myself still left alone
Now, I think I know where I belong
Now, I don't want to let this life go on
No more, no more
So Goodbye
Those bittersweet memories once so lovely
So Goodbye, I'm gone
So Goodbye
Those pretty stary eyes once just for me
So Goodbye, i'm gone