☆ 以超白金专辑 Music Box 在台湾获得四十万张以上销售数字的Mariah Carey,挟着史无前例的空前纪录,于九四年推出首张个人圣诞专辑。 此次他与长期合作的制作人Walter
Afanasieff (Michael Bolton、NKOTB)再度的连袂携手,也由于Mariah参予制作工作,在拥有深厚灵魂乐演唱经验的背景下,整张专辑更显得温馨与平易近人。
☆ 整张圣诞专辑融合了极为独特的灵魂乐曲风,不论是由她和Walter合作轻快活泼的 "AllI Want For Christmas Is You","Miss You Most(At Christmas Time)",充分展现黑人灵魂色彩的传统歌曲 "Silent Night"、"Santa Claus Is Coming To Town",融入大量合音的 "Jesus Oh Wonderful Child"、"Born On The Day" 等歌曲,不得不让人佩服,Mariah 将圣诞歌曲以灵魂乐出发的勇气。
◎ 说到圣诞专辑一定要提到Mariah Carey 94年出的 Merry Christmas啦Marry Christmas虽是她在多年前所出的一个专辑,收录的也是所熟悉
的圣诞歌曲。但由于她独特的诠释,使这张成为每年圣诞节的Big hits 整张圣诞专辑融合了极为独特的灵魂乐曲风,不论是由她和Walter合作
轻快活泼的"All I Want For Christmas Is You"(这简直是圣诞国歌), "Miss You Most"(At Christmas Time),充份展现黑人灵魂色彩的传统歌曲
"Silent Night"、"Santa Claus Is Coming To Town",溶入大量合音的 "Jesus Oh What A Wonderful Child"、"Born On The Day"等歌曲
◎ 在1994年的11月19日出现在榜上,就像其他的圣诞专辑一样这专辑将会年覆一年的长卖
◎ 这张专辑已经成为世界卖的最好的一张圣诞专辑之一,到目前为止在美国已经卖了5百万
张,全球也有超过一千万的销售量。单曲All I Want For Christmas Is You更在2005年时,
Mariah Carey's original 1994 album "Merry Christmas" has well stood the test of time, being a favorite among the casual listener to the die-hard fan. I fit in there somewhere in between the two - more than the casual listener but not quite the die-hard type. Still, this album's one of my favorites, as well.
Track list
1. "Silent Night" (Fr. Josef Mohr, Franz X. Gruber) – 3:41
2. "All I Want for Christmas Is You" (Mariah Carey, Walter Afanasieff) – 4:01
3. "O Holy Night" (Adolphe Adam) – 4:27
4. "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" (Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, Phil Spector) – 2:35
5. "Miss You Most (At Christmas Time)" (Carey, Afanasieff) – 4:32
6. "Joy to the World" (George Frideric Handel, Lowell Mason, Isaac Watts, Hoyt Axton)
7. "Jesus Born on This Day" (Carey, Afanasieff)
8. "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town" (John Frederick Coots, Haven Gillespie) – 3:24
9. "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing/Gloria in Excelsis Deo" (Charles Wesley, Felix Mendelssohn) – 3:01
10. "Jesus Oh What a Wonderful Child" (Traditional) – 4:26
11. "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" (Traditional) – 1:18 (non-U.S. bonus track)