三洋猪猪 发表于 2014-9-10 13:02 只看TA 1楼 |
[三级] 【第一会所三周年庆】[法国/四级]一切为了娱乐 Tout Pour Le Plaisir[MP4/821M] 电影海报![]() 电影大小:821m 电影格式:mp4 电影简介:The misadventures of three women in the same apartment block. After being disappointed with a boyfriend who wants her to whip him and having a lesbian fling with a schoolfriend, Joelle (Maryline Guillaume) finally manages to lose her viriginity with her teacher, Hector, but they are dicovered by her father and she is kicked out of their apartment. Martine (Carole Gire) is dissatisfied with her husband and seeks pleasure elsewhere, for example with her friend (Dolores Manta and her husband). Martine’s husband finally leaves her. 电影预览 ![]() ![]() 电影链接 http://wpan.cc/file-173860.html 第一部分 http://wpan.cc/file-173904.html 第二部分 下载完,请把mkv格式改为rar才能解压播放,解压密码:sanyangzhuzhu [ 本帖最后由 三洋猪猪 于 2014-9-10 19:15 编辑 ] |
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fangchengshic 发表于 2014-9-13 15:47 只看TA 6楼 |
纯粹为了娱乐,法国佬玩的真开心。 |
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